Browse data, play video clips, listen to audio, view pictures, read text, import and export data to and from your database with ease.
Supported file formats:
- images (*.jpg, *.bmp, *.gif, *.tga)
- audio files (*.wav; *.mpa; *.mp2; *.mp3; *.au; *.aif; *.mid)
- video files (*.avi; *.qt; *.mov; *.mpg; *.mpeg)
- text files
Since version 1.2.0
viewMore supports MS SQL Server and MySQL Server.
The other major feature of
viewMore is the ability to import and export any binary or text file or BLOB data
to your storage engine. This includes .exe, .dll, .doc, .xls, .xml files, virtually any file of any size, as long as your storage engine is able to process it.
viewMore helps you manage your data by letting you delete, update and insert
anywhere in your tables.
viewMore has been tested with MS SQL ServerÖ 2000 and MySQL 4.x.x under MS Windows 2000 and MS Windows XP operating systems. There should be no problems using
viewMore with MS SQL ServerÖ 7 and other MS Windows operating systems, provided that latest versions of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) and MyODBC are installed together with Microsoft DirectX.
During development and testing we have achieved best results with MDAC 2.8, MyODBC 03.51 and DirectX 8. However, if newer versions are available you are generally advised to use these newer versions.